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Used in mud therapy
The clay and thermal salts osmotically contrast the fluid retention that usually characterizes cellulite in its various stages: a blessing to counteract the unsightly orange peel skin effect.
This thermal salt clay is particularly suitable for use in mud therapy.
A completely natural product enriched with thermal salts from the Salsomaggiore salso-bromo-iodic waters. The mud that is obtained after mixing with water has exceptional physical qualities of plasticity and thermal stability.
The usual indications for aesthetic and therapeutic muds: the completion of thermal treatments at home; the cosmetic treatment of cellulite and adiposis; to prevent and relieve joint and muscle disorders with or without pain; to improve the smoothness and radiance of the body’s skin.
Dissolve 1000 grams of clay in a suitable container with about 300 grams of water, stirring to obtain a plastic and homogeneous mixture of thermal mud. The water temperature has to be regulated around 45 ° C to obtain a mud of about 40 ° C. Apply on the affected areas (abdomen, thighs, legs, arms etc.).
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